

I finally have the perfect mount for my rook sculpture; a piece of marine timber hauled from the River Medway estuary near Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent. It has been cut to expose rich earthy colours, and wonderful texture. I love the way it has been carved by burrowing sea creatures. From being in the salty water so long it is rock hard.

The rook is sculpted in black and white clays with a touch of glaze giving a glossy sheen. He is sitting comfortably with a full crop and watchful eyes. The clay is stoneware so can be kept inside or out.

The whole sculpture is just over 50cm tall.



Pet Portrait Sculptures

Pet Portrait Sculptures

I’ve loved dogs for as long as I can remember, their character, form and love of life. I am fascinated by the huge variety of shapes and sizes there are, but all retaining essential “dogginess!” Years of observation are the foundation of my work. I try and capture the essence of each breed with my sculptures, some of which are detailed, others more abstract. When it comes to pet portraits it is even more of a challenge; I have to try and capture the character of an individual dog which has, or has had, a very special place in someone’s life. 


This one was in memory of a German Shepherd


This one was done from life as well as photographs. The photographs help as dogs don’t make the best models. They won’t hold a pose or even get into the pose you want. Betty is very much alive and kicking!


This is a portrait of a much loved English Pointer named Stella. The owner wanted her in her favourite pose with legs crossed.  There were lots of photographs but not one in this pose!


Shadow is another in memory of a loved pet who lived to the grand old age of 21, named  Shadow owing to the habit of always being on his owners heels.


Fleur was a much loved Border Collie.

Kerry Blue Terrier

The brief here was for a dog portrait of the breed capturing the characteristic movement. I had YouTube on loop showing Kerry Blues at Crufts while I was sculpting and experimented with different glazes. The finish of this one is grey/black gun metal effect with a touch of blue on a textured surface. There are 3 smaller versions (and lots of other breeds) here: 

and in my Etsy Shop:

Find out more here:



I have been having great fun recently working on some bird sculptures in various styles and using different techniques. They range from more or less realistic to complete fantasy! Here are a few in various stages of production:


And here are some completed birds:

More pictures can be seen on the Ceramics: Animals page:

and also in my Etsy Shop:

The Stables Gallery Exhibition

An Exhibition

26th May to 25th June

Some of my sculptures will be on show in The Stables Gallery at Hall Place alongside the work around 40 other ceramic artists. I will be there on 1st and 20th June and lots of us will be there between  12 pm and 2 pm on Saturday 27th May.

It’s a great place to visit and easy to access. As well as the gallery there is a lovely garden, parkland (all free entry) and a riverside cafe, historic house and some other attractions. Find out more here:

Here are some of my sculptures that will be on show. They can go in the garden or in the house.

Dogs, Horses and Other Animals

Dogs and Other Animals

More pictures can be seen on the Ceramic page, and in my Etsy shop where they are for sale.

(Also for sale via contact page)


The dog series continues in various styles from stylized to more realistic, and with a range of glazed finishes but with each capturing the character of the breed.


Other Animals

The calf and pig below were sculpted from life on a farm (see earlier post

The pig can be displayed inside or out.

Lots More Dogs and Other Things..

New Dogs, Horses and More..

Ellen has been busy recently making many different breeds of dogs as well as several horses. More images and details can be seen in the Ceramic section. There are also some new work in the Paintings section.



Watercolour Paintings

Original Watercolours

New Paintings

These and more have been added.

And Two New Sculptures:

Cave Horse

Inspired by our Ancestors

cave horse in the garden

The horse took shape in Ellen’s imagination inspired by cave art. An organic form emerged from the clay, her hands marking it as our ancestors marked their walls leaving their handprints reaching forward from prehistory. The surface of the finished horse resembles a section of cave wall.

handprints on cave horse

This ceramic horse is mounted on a substantial piece of timber, a natural work of art, which Ellen found washed ashore near the old dockyard on the River Medway. The timber was shaped by Britain’s maritime industrial heritage and coloured and eroded by it’s time in the waters of the Medway, perfect for the Cave Horse! It’s rich colouring is reminiscent of the natural pigments used by ancient artists, and reflects the colours of the glaze.

weathered timber


Stainless steel joins the two, a modern material linking history to prehistory.

steel mounting rods

cave horse left side

close up of cave horse

This smaller ceramic horse was also inspired by cave art.

small cave horse



Two models

Two heads: Age and Youth

Sculpting from life presents it’s own challenges and of course the result to some extent depends on the model who is posing, but it is up to the artist to interpret what they see. Sometimes Ellen chooses to work on the head only and in these two examples she has managed to give a distinctive character to each.

ceramic bust, olderyoung model left side headolder model, face

younger model front view

older model, right side

young model, right side


The tilt of the head, the expression on the faces and the set of the shoulders has been captured in each. The choice of glaze is also important. The matt verdigris finish for the older model and the more polished, with glowing metallic elements, for the younger, work well.

Two Figures: Age and Youth

On other occasions she chooses to sculpt the whole figure and is similarly able to interpret what she sees to produce moving and interesting pieces. The same two models sat again and the older seems marked by experience and expresses resignation while the younger seems to be luxuriating in the hope of things to come.

reclining figure, older woman right side

reclining figure, younger woman left side

older model

young woman nude reclining

older woman reclining

young woman reclining right side