Pigs and Cows: working from life

Fresh From the Farm

Ellen loves sculpting from live models and these Tamworth pigs were very interested in what she was doing. Being supplied with regular bundles of weeds helped!

There were some other models too:


The new cow and calf are a very different build to the earlier dairy ones.

(See earlier post: Cow and Calf)

The sculptures on the shelves will be fired, glazed and re-fired. Some may be moulded and cast in bronze resin. (Not sure which yet.)

Cow and Calf


This little calf is proving to be a popular piece at Wyndcliffe Court Sculpture Garden’s 2016 Summer Show, where it can be seen the gallery. It was sculpted in the cow shed on a dairy farm in Broadwoodwidger in Devon. They were captive models so a little easier than the cow, although the biting flies were pesky! Here it is drying out in the holiday cottage.

clay calf

The cow proved more tricky; note the sculpture stand on the left, and the models did not hold a pose well.

sculpting the cow
Sculpting in progress.
Dairy cow in wet clay
Finished and drying out.

Packing for the journey home was not easy either and while waiting to be fired the cow’s legs got broken and had to be painstakingly rebuilt before it could be completed and cast in bronze resin; it was certainly a labour of love!

holstein friesian cow
Holstein-Friesian Cow

But worth it!

The calf is also available in bronze.

dairy calf: bronze


Summer Show

New Work at Wyndcliffe Court

Ellen is one of the artists exhibiting at Wyndcliffe Court Sculpture Garden in their Summer Show which opens on July 1st.


slate resin cat
Black Cat: polished slate resin

This cat sculpture grew from a shape suggested by the lump of clay when waiting for inspiration and is one of her favourite pieces. There is also a bronze resin version.

bronze resin cat
Bronze Resin Cat
black and bronze cats
They look well together

Seated Figure

This poised figure in bronze resin looks elegant from every angle.

seated figure back

seated figure, front viewseated figure, side


Last year’s calf now has a companion! This Holstein-Friesian cow was sculpted on the same farm in Devon.holstein friesian cow

dairy cow left side

Farm Collie

At a different farm, this time in Cumbria, the farm collie was always looking for action.farm collie

collie, head
Typical collie position, look at the concentration on his face!
dairy calf: bronze
Dairy Calf in Bronze

The Crow, English Pointer, Airedale and Dairy Calf will also be on show again this year. The calf and English Pointer are now available in bronze as well as bronze resin

english pointer in bronze
English Pointer in Bronze
