

I have been having great fun recently working on some bird sculptures in various styles and using different techniques. They range from more or less realistic to complete fantasy! Here are a few in various stages of production:


And here are some completed birds:

More pictures can be seen on the Ceramics: Animals page:

and also in my Etsy Shop:

Working From Photographs

Lady and Ntombi

These are two works that only had photographs to work from.


This is the photograph that inspired ‘Ntombi,’ a new born rhino. As you see they really do have huge feet!

photograph of new born rhino

Ntombi, ceramic new born rhino

Ellen’s interpretation is not aiming at an exact copy, but is rather an exploration of form and texture while preserving the essence of baby rhino!photograph of baby rhino head

ceramic rhino face


The eye and textures and folds around the ears and face were of particular interest. The glaze gives it expression and sparkle. Below Ntombi (young woman in Zulu) is taking her first hesitant steps.


rhino walking

first steps

Ellen with rhino on knee
Ellen is very fond of her new pet…
Ellen feeding baby rhino
but I am not sure that lettuce is the best food!


This sculpture aimed more at realism as it is to remember a pet German Shepherd dog. The only photographs available were of poor quality.

Lady- close up of face
Close up of face.
ceramic dog face
The face of the sculpture.

The second photograph shows more of the dog.

second photograph
Second photograph
front view of ceramic dog
Ellen’s interpretation.
german shepherd sculpture
She seems to be asking for attention.

side view of lady

side view of Lady
She looks as if she might jump up any minute!