New Paintings and Prints

New Paintings and Prints

New Paintings and Prints have been added to the website  and to my Etsy Shop:


Birds feature in a lot of the new paintings and also flowers; poppies on a large scale, sunflowers and the lovely Bearded Iris. Insects and other creatures can be found amongst them. There is also an oil painting on a large scale featuring a hunting scene. Close examination of this will reveal a lot of detail.



Giclee prints are available of ‘The Hunt’ and ‘Blackbirds Fighting’ above and here are some more newly available:

The three below are newly available in larger sizes.

More information and images can be found on the ‘Paintings’ and ‘Print’ pages or in my Etsy Shop:

(Or message me via the contact page)




I have been having great fun recently working on some bird sculptures in various styles and using different techniques. They range from more or less realistic to complete fantasy! Here are a few in various stages of production:


And here are some completed birds:

More pictures can be seen on the Ceramics: Animals page:

and also in my Etsy Shop: