

I finally have the perfect mount for my rook sculpture; a piece of marine timber hauled from the River Medway estuary near Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent. It has been cut to expose rich earthy colours, and wonderful texture. I love the way it has been carved by burrowing sea creatures. From being in the salty water so long it is rock hard.

The rook is sculpted in black and white clays with a touch of glaze giving a glossy sheen. He is sitting comfortably with a full crop and watchful eyes. The clay is stoneware so can be kept inside or out.

The whole sculpture is just over 50cm tall.





I have been having great fun recently working on some bird sculptures in various styles and using different techniques. They range from more or less realistic to complete fantasy! Here are a few in various stages of production:


And here are some completed birds:

More pictures can be seen on the Ceramics: Animals page:

and also in my Etsy Shop: